It's not just what we know... it's how much we care!

Run Days

Since we service such a large area and have a high livestock and equine caseload, we are offering designated ‘run days’ to assist clients with travel costs.

Run days are not just for livestock and horses. When hospital facilities are not required, we can also perform house-calls and farm visits for small animals such as dogs and cats.

If you have a job for the run, please contact the clinic by 5PM the day before.

Emergencies will be accommodated, and, where possible, last-minute bookings.

Travel costs will be shared between clients on the run.

Current run locations and days:

  • Krambach: every Tuesday
  • Comboyne: every Thursday
  • Old Bar/Pampoolah/Oxley/Mitchells Island: Fourth Thursday of every month
  • Taree/Coopernook/Lansdowne/Hannam Vale: Third Wednesday of every month


Contact Us

    We welcome any queries , request for advice or enquires for further information.

    Phone: 6557 0000

    Location: 33 Isabella Street Wingham NSW 2429

    Email :

    HOURS: Mon to Fri 8:30am – 5:30pm, Sat 9:00am – 12:00pm

    You can also book appointment for your pet online by clicking this button :

    See what our clients are saying about us: